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Prague Open 2024 - A IM Open 22nd International Chess Festival

Last update 12.01.2024 14:35:53, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

Player overview for DEN

188Kallesen Jesper1712DEN00000100½1,524220-90,20A open
199Andersen Carsten1674DEN001010010321320-16,60A open

Results of the last round for DEN

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
Poessel ChristianGER19903 1 - 03 Andersen CarstenDEN1674
Mraz JaroslavCZE14391 ½ - ½1 Kallesen JesperDEN1712

Player details for DEN

Kallesen Jesper 1712 DEN Rp:1166 Pts. 1,5
163Toniolo Samuel2030ITA5s 020-2,60
289Brennan Andrew1942IRL3w 020-4,20
3240Rubin Andrej1370CZE4s 020-17,60
4221Kolar Edvard1561CZE3,5w 020-14,00
5234Slusarczyk Agnieszka1440POL3s 020-16,60
6-bye- --- 1
7224Dudarec Elias1537CZE3,5w 020-14,60
8220Jankovsky Zbynek1561CZE3s 020-14,00
9235Mraz Jaroslav1439CZE1,5s ½20-6,60
Andersen Carsten 1674 DEN Rp:1569 Pts. 3
173WFMSvobodova Michaela1979CZE5s 020-2,80
2125Korenek Frantisek1870CZE4w 020-5,00
3248Woytitzki Robert1028POL1s 1201,60
455Rousek Jan2054CZE4w 020-1,80
5247Rzadkowska Lila1221POL2,5s 1201,60
6107Stromhaug Kristoffer Wang1912NOR4,5w 020-4,00
7155Tatvidze Davit1814GEO4s 020-6,20
8239Zabehlicky Jiri1378CZE3w 1203,00
969Poessel Christian1990GER4s 020-2,60