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2023 World Rapid Team Championship

Last update 28.08.2023 20:37:24, Creator: alexholowczak,Last Upload: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog

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Team-Composition without round-results

  1. Freedom (RtgAvg:2522 / TB1: 20 / TB2: 582,5) Captain: Sutovsky, Emil
1GMAnand, Viswanathan2751IND50000176,5112703
2GMDubov, Daniil2723FID241260557,5122668
3GMVidit, Santosh Gujrathi2682IND50294657102744
4GMRapport, Richard2752ROU7385905,592548
5GMNajer, Evgeniy2579FID41189873,552545
6GMSutovsky, Emil2593ISR28020070,510
7IMShuvalova, Polina2358FID24171760w8112499
8WGMRapport, Jovana2314ROU937266w110
9Shapiro, Alexander1947ISR2845890r7121706