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Joukkuepikashakin SM-kilpailu M sijoitusryhmä

Last update 06.08.2023 15:00:57, Creator/Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 12)

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Ranking crosstable (Pts.)

Rk.Team123456789101112131415161718192021222324 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1TammerSh 1 * 123344434444444474,5390
2VammSK 1½ * 234424434444474400
3MatSK 13 * 224343434433472,5440
4TuTS 12 * ½344444424369380
5Aatos 122 * 42333332444367,5380
6HSC 1210 * 3334333434362,5390
7Gambiitti 102 * 3142332233251270
8PSY 1½001½ * 123232447,5270
9TammerSh 21½1½1113 * 22333345,5240
10JyS 112½0132 * 123½2443200
11MatSK 20½½12 * 2½3233343190
12TuTS 20½011012 * 112333333442220
13LahS 10½011½223 * 2232240,5180
14RaahLi 10120213 * ½121440170
15HSC 21½0½23 * 1231340160
16PSY 20010½11½1223 * 142339,5230
17EtVaS 20½00½111½1223 * 2439,5190
18Pässi 1½10002½113½ * 32335140
19RaahLi 200100½211101 * 2334160
20Aatos 200½201121112222 * 234130
21SalSK 10000½½221½32 * 2232130
22JoeSK 10½½½½1112½3½12 * 3231,5110
23KäpSK 1001½½01½½1120½0121 * 323,580
24TammerSh 300011120010½11½½221 * 22,570

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints