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Livingston Open July 2023

Last update 02.07.2023 18:10:16, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank

1CMTurner, Max N447722ENG2271
2CMRoberts, Paul2400600SCO2161
3Browning, Isaac2409020SCO1993
4Newton, Andrew2403285SCO1939
5Leah, Tom450960ENG1881
6Deepak Ambattu, Rithvik2410060SCO1869
7Ley Polanco, Chihon3444082CHI1680
8McKenna, JohnSCO1671
9Hand, Jamie2409186SCO1645
10Clinton, William2406420SCO1638
11Mcgillivray, Calum2405407SCO1633
12Archip, Laurentiu2413566SCO1600
13Mcdiarmid, Euan2410745SCO1584
14Mcnaught, Jordan J2410656SCO1539
15Patton, Zachary2411628SCO1490
16Nield, Christopher2410044SCO1355
17Lo, Thomas2413337SCO1272
18Shepherd, Ben2413442SCO709