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Leyland Minor 2022

Last update 29.08.2022 18:34:36, Creator/Last Upload: David Clayton

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Starting rank

1Baxter MartinENG1748Portsmouth *
2Aspinall David E440540ENG1719Lytham St Annes
3Grobler David J428213ENG1704Hillsborough
4Kershaw Ewan343408605ENG1700Lancaster
5Slater BryanENG1699Culcheth
6Aspden DannyENG1698Preston
7Tyson TerryENG1694Maryport
8Burriss Nicholas AENG1684Culcheth
9Szwajkun Richard434850ENG1678Telford
10Mak JanosENG1674
11Wolnik Nikodem343412CZE1664Lancaster
12Szydlowski Sebastien343401481ENG1647Preston
13Buckell David J497177ENG1630Clitheroe
14Watkinson Colin235000023IOM1607Isle Of Man
15Anderson TorrinENG1602Lytham St Annes
16Jackson Paul Robert445584ENG1554Lancashire *
17Leonard PaulENG1551Atherton
18Blackburn Sandra G1802879WLS1546Cheddleton & Leek
19Coleman PatrickENG1503
20De Santos Andrew R448974ENG1487Preston
21Kelly Steven PENG1470East Cheshire
22Scorer David M497215ENG1443Clitheroe
23Lawson KenENG1442Leyland
24Wilson Jeff462055ENG1416Oldham
25Kerton Becky436496ENG14133cs
26Szwajkun Steve435163ENG1355Telford
27Bohm Richard D454478ENG1327Great Lever
28Hamilton Stuart440418ENG1315Rhyl & Prestatyn
29Butler Rene486922ENG1289Market Harborough
30Kerton Claire343408753ENG1278Chester
31Clark JamesENG0Chester
32Coleman DanielENG0
33Kenny RonanENG0
34Morgan-Short AndreiENG0Lytham St Annes
35Moffatt William JENG1688Leyland