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For standing

GM_Mix_A Cattolica

Last update 14.03.2022 20:55:40, Creator/Last Upload: marcobelemmi

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Starting rank

1GMGumularz Szymon1188062POL2539
2GMNesterov Arseniy24198455CFR2522U19
3GMDimitrov Radoslav2908549BUL2478
4IMPranav Anand46626786IND2436U16
5Reuker Jari12909300GER2425
6IMGilevych Artem14121379ITA2422
7FMCzerw Dawid1145746POL2398
8IMPfreundt Jakob12918156GER2392
9IMSong Julien659487FRA2359
10FMFischer Daniel1328360SUI2356U19
11FMWoelk Tom-Frederic12993077GER2348U19
12FMDeuer Marius16236432GER2304U14
13FMPark Evan30931142USA2293U16
14FMPasini Nicolo2809600ITA2252
15IMDamia Angelo812668ITA2223
16Angst Oliver1334069SUI2176U20
17Meyling Lennart12947130GER2072U20
18Devnani Kush45093806IND2041U20