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2021 FIDE Women's Grand Swiss

Last update 07.11.2021 18:46:42, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Player overview for ROU

50GMDeac Bogdan-Daniel2643ROU½½1½1½½½½1½715Open

Results of the last round for ROU

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMDeac Bogdan-DanielROU2643 ½ - ½ GMEsipenko AndreyRUS2720

Player details for ROU

GM Deac Bogdan-Daniel 2643 ROU Rp:2744 Pts. 7
1104GMVokhidov Shamsiddin2521UZB4,5s ½
2108GMMiezis Normunds2467LAT3,5w ½
3102GMVan Foreest Lucas2543NED3s 1
417GMNavara David2691CZE5,5w ½
59GMAlekseenko Kirill2710RUS6,5s 1
627GMSargissian Gabriel2664ARM7w ½
711GMYu Yangyi2704CHN7s ½
821GMKryvoruchko Yuriy2686UKR6,5w ½
941GMNihal Sarin2652IND6,5s ½
1012GMMaghsoodloo Parham2701IRI6s 1
116GMEsipenko Andrey2720RUS7w ½