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2021 FIDE Grand Swiss

Last update 07.11.2021 19:48:14, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Player overview for SRB

83GMIndjic Aleksandar2612SRB½½1½0½½½½0½570Open
88GMIvic Velimir2606SRB00½11½½0½0½4,582Open
106GMBudisavljevic Luka2508SRB00½½0½0½½013,5105Open

Results of the last round for SRB

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMKovalev VladislavFID26344 ½ - ½ GMIndjic AleksandarSRB2612
GMIvic VelimirSRB26064 ½ - ½4 GMVokhidov ShamsiddinUZB2521
GMBudisavljevic LukaSRB2508 1 - 03 GMVan Foreest LucasNED2543

Player details for SRB

GM Indjic Aleksandar 2612 SRB Rp:2619 Pts. 5
129GMGrandelius Nils2662SWE6,5s ½
233GMAnton Guijarro David2658ESP7w ½
337GMCori Jorge2655PER5,5s 1
439GMOparin Grigoriy2654RUS7,5w ½
527GMSargissian Gabriel2664ARM7s 0
69GMAlekseenko Kirill2710RUS6,5w ½
747GMAbdusattorov Nodirbek2646UZB5,5s ½
852GMBluebaum Matthias2640GER5,5w ½
964GMPonomariov Ruslan2631UKR5,5s ½
1042GMVolokitin Andrei2652UKR6w 0
1161GMKovalev Vladislav2634FID4,5s ½
GM Ivic Velimir 2606 SRB Rp:2550 Pts. 4,5
134GMHowell David W L2658ENG7w 0
244GMSarana Alexey2649RUS6,5s 0
3106GMBudisavljevic Luka2508SRB3,5w ½
4107IMRakotomaharo Fy Antenaina2484MAD2s 1
530GMCheparinov Ivan2659BUL5w 1
618GMVan Foreest Jorden2691NED6s ½
767GMZhou Jianchao2629CHN5,5w ½
865GMKeymer Vincent2630GER7s 0
936GMRakhmanov Aleksandr2657RUS5,5w ½
1022GMMatlakov Maxim2682RUS5s 0
11104GMVokhidov Shamsiddin2521UZB4,5w ½
GM Budisavljevic Luka 2508 SRB Rp:2428 Pts. 3,5
152GMBluebaum Matthias2640GER5,5w 0
263GMShevchenko Kirill2632UKR6s 0
388GMIvic Velimir2606SRB4,5s ½
4103GMSuleymanli Aydin2541AZE4w ½
582GMGanguly Surya Shekhar2617IND4,5s 0
6100GMMeshkovs Nikita2550LAT4s ½
796GMGretarsson Hjorvar Steinn2577ISL4w 0
8107IMRakotomaharo Fy Antenaina2484MAD2w ½
9105GMMorovic Fernandez Ivan2510CHI3s ½
10108GMMiezis Normunds2467LAT3,5s 0
11102GMVan Foreest Lucas2543NED3w 1