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2021 FIDE Grand Swiss

Last update 07.11.2021 19:48:14, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

Player overview for MKD

95GMGeorgiev Kiril2577MKD00½10½½010½4101Open

Results of the last round for MKD

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
GMMorovic Fernandez IvanCHI2510 ½ - ½ GMGeorgiev KirilMKD2577

Player details for MKD

GM Georgiev Kiril 2577 MKD Rp:2490 Pts. 4
141GMNihal Sarin2652IND6,5s 0
255GMChigaev Maksim2639RUS5,5s 0
3107IMRakotomaharo Fy Antenaina2484MAD2w ½
4104GMVokhidov Shamsiddin2521UZB4,5w 1
568GMPichot Alan2628ARG5s 0
651GMParavyan David2642RUS4w ½
725GMAdhiban B.2672IND4,5s ½
836GMRakhmanov Aleksandr2657RUS5,5s 0
9108GMMiezis Normunds2467LAT3,5w 1
1053GMGukesh D2640IND5w 0
11105GMMorovic Fernandez Ivan2510CHI3s ½