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Caissa Open Summer Chess Moves Festival 2021 15 August Blitz

Last update 15.08.2021 06:17:20, Creator/Last Upload: MUÑIZ PARDIÑO, Alberto

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMLam Daniel King Wai2000HKG 10b1 9w1 2b1 4w1 3b1 5w1 8b½ 16w½ 7b180748
2Chan Wang Ip Boris1347HKG 20w1 5b1 1w0 7w1 4b0 15b½ 12w1 3b1 9w16,50645,5
3Tang Tsz Sang1671HKG 19w1 15b0 11w1 13b1 1w0 10b1 9b1 2w0 8b160647
4Chan Trevor Xavier Yao1528HKG 22b1 7w1 8b1 1b0 2w1 9w0 6b½ 10w0 16b15,50545,5
5Lopez De Anda Edgar1673USA 17b1 2w0 22b1 8w1 9b½ 1b0 7w0 18w1 15b15,50542,5
6AGMTsang Lok Ching1522HKG 11w½ 8b0 12w1 16b½ 13w½ 17b1 4w½ 15b½ 10b15,50342,5
7Masters Christopher1857HKG 14w1 4b0 15w1 2b0 19w1 8w0 5b1 12b1 1w050547,5
8Wu Kiu Chun Aidan1204HKG 13b1 6w1 4w0 5b0 16w1 7b1 1w½ 9b½ 3w050449,5
9Iyer Neel1395HKG 16w1 1b0 18w1 15b1 5w½ 4b1 3w0 8w½ 2b050449
10Hari Advay1168HKG 1w0 12b1 16w½ 14b1 15w½ 3w0 18b1 4b1 6w050446,5
11Lee Michael Man Kit0HKG 6b½ 18w½ 3b0 12w0 22b1 14b0 21w1 20b1 17w150431,5
12Zhang Marvin1444HKG 18b½ 10w0 6b0 11b1 17w1 13w1 2b0 7w0 21w14,50440
13Yu Chun Yin0HKG 8w0 19b1 14w1 3w0 6b½ 12b0 15w0 21b1 22w14,50435,5
14Chan Tze Lik Nicholas0HKG 7b0 21w1 13b0 10w0 20b1 11w1 16b0 22w1 19b½4,50431
15AFMMahadevan Aravind1355HKG 21b1 3w1 7b0 9w0 10b½ 2w½ 13b1 6w½ 5w04,50344
16Vlasov Alexander0HKG 9b0 17w1 10b½ 6w½ 8b0 20w1 14w1 1b½ 4w04,50344
17Cheng Jaden Rui Tong0HKG 5w0 16b0 20w1 18b1 12b0 6w0 22b1 19w1 11b040434,5
18Tsang Aldrik Chun-Yin0HKG 12w½ 11b½ 9b0 17w0 21b1 19w1 10w0 5b0 20w½3,51235
19Hu Roy0HKG 3b0 13w0 21b1 22w1 7b0 18b0 20w1 17b0 14w½3,50331
20Yeoh Christopher Hin Hong0HKG 2b0 22w0 17b0 21w1 14w0 16b0 19b0 11w0 18b½1,50133,5
21Vlasov Ilio0HKG 15w0 14b0 19w0 20b0 18w0 22w1 11b0 13w0 12b011132,5
22Lau Aydan Ho Ching0HKG 4w0 20b1 5w0 19b0 11w0 21b0 17w0 14b0 13b010135

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)