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Results FINAL. Trophy winners will be published at the 4NCL website soon.
Trophy winners can expect to be contacted by Mike Truran for postal address details.

8th 4NCL Online Congress Under 1700

Last update 23.05.2021 19:46:38, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Starting rank

1Bourke MattIRL1572
2Cule JuricaENG1570
3O'sullivan ChristopherIRL1562
4Bamford Paul449032ENG1548
5Lappin Kieran A489816ENG1502
6Farahmandpour EhsanENG1493
7Fancourt Leslie J454370ENG1483
8Kapur Gul454346ENG1472
9Constable Christine F415847ENG1447
10Upton W E (Bill)433314ENG1410
11Siddle MichaelENG1406
12Matilal Tamal K436259ENG1405
13Cox Lucian452130ENG1387
14Russo Giovanni480886ENG1386
15Peach Clifford BENG1360
16Mcwilliams Mark D490067ENG1353
17Hariharan Shambavi488160ENG1305
18Zhao George494607ENG1135
19Liu JacobENG976