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38th BRDCA Open Rapid Chess Tournament 2021 - U15 Event Code UKCA/G070/20 ( Contact - CHIDANAND A 9663405589 )

Last update 28.02.2021 15:09:29, Creator/Last Upload: Murugasundaram K

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Akkshat N1268IND 23w1 24b1 8w1 6b1 7w1 4b16019,522
2Aarav Rane1195IND 34w1 18b1 13w1 4b½ 9w1 6b15,501920
3Vaishnavi R Rao1055IND 26w1 14b1 4w0 31b1 19w1 7b1501820,5
4Gowtham D1224IND 35b1 22w1 3b1 2w½ 20b1 1w04,5022,524
5Achinthya Koknal Biju0IND 18w0 15b½ 37w1 16b1 28w1 12b14,501617,5
6Thejas K1173IND 33b1 32w1 12b1 1w0 10b1 2w0402122,5
7Kulkarni Vedant Anirudha1127IND 38w1 36b1 9w1 8b1 1b0 3w04020,521,5
8Sampat J M1063IND 29b1 28w1 1b0 7w0 27w1 19b1401820
9Jehoahaz Jabaneel H1282IND 30b1 20w1 7b0 32w1 2b0 18w14017,519,5
10Manav Venkatachalam1044IND 39b1 12w0 21w1 11b1 6w0 25b14015,516
11Vijay Krishna P0IND 32b0 -1 35w1 10w0 22b1 20w+401415,5
12Vignesh Balan V0IND 19w1 10b1 6w0 24b1 13w½ 5w03,501922
13Nithyashree Lokesha1027IND 31w1 25b1 2b0 28w½ 12b½ 14w½3,5017,520
14Vasudev Sajeev0IND 37b1 3w0 23w1 19b0 31w1 13b½3,5016,518
15Kalyani H Kiran0IND 21b½ 5w½ 28b0 33w1 17b½ 29b13,5015,517
16Aniruddh Raman T V0IND 28b0 29w1 18b½ 5w0 30b1 21w13,501517
17Srivatsan Sudhir0IND 22b0 33w1 19w0 35b1 15w½ 28b13,5013,515
18Shreyas Karthik K0IND 5b1 2w0 16w½ 21b½ 24w1 9b03020,523
19Craig Patrick D Mello0IND 12b0 39w1 17b1 14w1 3b0 8w03019,520
20Adithya Shankar Katepalli0IND 42b+ 9b0 26w1 25b1 4w0 11b-301820,5
21Yashas Gopal Kovvali0IND 15w½ 40b+ 10b0 18w½ 32b1 16b03016,518,5
22Akshaj Gowtham0IND 17w1 4b0 31w0 26b1 11w0 33b13016,518
23Nikiilesh A U0IND 1b0 27w1 14b0 38w1 25w0 31b+301617
24ACMDhriti Jade0IND 27b1 1w0 38b1 12w0 18b0 36w1301617
25Yatin R Hiremath0IND -1 13w0 34b1 20w0 23b1 10w03015,516,5
26Rushil Srivatsa0IND 3b0 37w1 20b0 22w0 38b1 32w13014,515,5
27Sarath Varma0IND 24w0 23b0 -1 34w1 8b0 38w+301314
28Tharani Theertha P0IND 16w1 8b0 15w1 13b½ 5b0 17w02,501922,5
29Prabhat Hosurkar0IND 8w0 16b0 30b½ 36w1 34b1 15w02,5014,515,5
30Karthikeyan S0IND 9w0 31b0 29w½ 39b1 16w0 -12,501414,5
31Sahil Kulkarni0IND 13b0 30w1 22b1 3w0 14b0 23w-201820
32Dhanush Iyer0IND 11w1 6b0 36w1 9b0 21w0 26b02016,518
33Parnika Kiran0IND 6w0 17b0 39w1 15b0 37b+ 22w02015,516
34Omkrita Sahu0IND 2b0 43w+ 25w0 27b0 29w0 37b+2014,515,5
35Nitish Pati0IND 4w0 42b+ 11b0 17w0 36b0 39w12014,515
36Tarun G Sangam0IND 41b+ 7w0 32b0 29b0 35w1 24b0201415,5
37Ayush Maiya0IND 14w0 26b0 5b0 -1 33w- 34w-1015,516,5
38Praajin0IND 7b0 41w+ 24w0 23b0 26w0 27b-1014,516,5
39Sagar Suresh0IND 10w0 19b0 33b0 30w0 -1 35b0101212,5
40Alankrit Tripathi0IND 43b- 21w- -0 -0 -0 -00012,513,5
Amogh Gupta0IND 36w- 38b- -0 -0 -0 -00012,513,5
Srikrishna Nelly0IND 20w- 35w- -0 -0 -0 -00012,513,5
Tahnee Nagaich0IND 40w- 34b- -0 -0 -0 -00012,513,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)