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Campionatul Republicii Moldova la sah rapid, editia 2021, barbati

Last update 29.01.2021 17:55:33, Creator/Last Upload: CHESS FEDERATION OF MOLDOVA

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Starting rank

1IMBaltag Iulian13901419MDA2345
2IMSoltanici Ruslan13900889MDA2316
3IMMacovei Andrei13904680MDA2293
4IMSchitco Ivan13905465MDA2276
5FMCeres Dragos13905864MDA2115
6IMPanush Viktor13901052MDA1955
7Vorobiov Vlad13905791MDA1779
8Cebotari Stanislav13908200MDA1735
9Triboi Alexander13908162MDA1711
10Martinenco Sergiu13901559MDA1701
11Panfilii Laurentiu13905295MDA1667
12Baranciuc Alexandr13908669MDA1658
13Sapocinic Semion13908693MDA1648
14Verbin Valentina13905910MDA1646
15Miron Iurii13908227MDA1631
16Sustov Savva13908715MDA1618
17Soilita Nichita13906925MDA1391
18Rascu Dmitrii13907930MDA1379
19Vedmediuc Artiom13908570MDA1362
20Talmaci Chiril13906372MDA1329
21Talmaci Arsenie13909479MDA1281
22Dodon Vlad13905740MDA0