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Skákþing Reykjavíkur 2021

Last update 06.02.2021 00:53:36, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Rp
1FMStefansson Vignir Vatnar2314ISL 27b1 19w1 4b½ 8w1 9b½ 16w1 2w1 10b1 3b1894852,52426
2GMGretarsson Hjorvar Steinn2576ISL 46w1 12b1 11w1 3b1 4w1 1b0 16w1 8b17,5850542426
3IMKjartansson Gudmundur2488ISL 35b1 10w1 9b1 2w0 12b1 19w1 6w1 5b1 1w07949,553,52253
4Briem Stephan2102ISL 51w1 29b1 1w½ 44b½ 14w1 2b0 13w1 6b½ 10w16,594749,52122
5Hardarson Petur Palmi2086ISL 23b1 26w1 8b0 24w1 11b1 19w1 3w0 17b16,5843,5482106
6Jonsson Gauti Pall2081ISL 50w1 22b1 7w1 16b½ 8w1 3b0 4w½ 12b½6846,5502039
7Bergsson Stefan2151ISL 31b1 24w1 6b0 25w- 45w1 20b1 9b½ 19w1684145,51954
8IMKjartansson David2326ISL 37w1 14b1 5w1 1b0 17w½ 6b0 36b1 21w1 2w05,5948,552,52093
9Olafsson Thorvardur2118ISL 40b1 20w1 3w0 15b1 1w½ 25b½ 21b½ 7w½ 18b½5,5946,5501972
10Heidarsson Arnar Milutin1911ISL 53w1 3b0 25w1 29b1 11w½ 12b1 17w1 1w0 4b05,5946,548,52032
11WGMPtacnikova Lenka2130ISL 43b1 13w1 2b0 21w1 10b½ 5w0 29b1 18w½ 16b½5,5945,5491942
12Ragnarsson Johann1935ISL 41w1 2w0 35b1 18b1 3w0 10w0 22b1 33b1 6w½5,5944,5481840
13Jonsson Johann1730ISL 30w1 11b0 45w1 17b0 32w1 14b1 4b0 27w1 20b½5,5941,545,51701
14Haraldsson Haraldur1925ISL 39b1 8w0 27b1 20w1 4b0 13w0 30b1 25w½ 26b15,594043,51707
15Ottesen Oddgeir1814ISL 22b0 55w1 39b1 9w0 40b½ 41w1 26b1 17w0 25b15,5934,536,51547
16Johannsdottir Johanna Bjorg1935ISL 34b1 54w1 44b1 6w½ 1b0 25w1 2b0 11w½5,584546,51997
17Karlsson Mikael Johann2130ISL 45w1 25b½ 13w1 8b½ 36w1 10b0 15b1 5w05,5842461930
18Finnsson Johann Arnar1736ISL 33w1 32b½ 12w0 51b1 26w½ 44b1 11b½ 9w½5,5838,5411805
19Briem Benedikt1864ISL 38w1 1b0 46w1 32b1 31w1 3b0 5b0 37w1 7b0594548,51770
20Thorisson Benedikt1642ISL 28w1 9b0 22w1 14b0 30w½ 24b1 7w0 31b1 13w½5941,5461597
21Haraldsson Sigurjon1851ISL 42w1 44w0 23b1 11b0 38w1 48b1 9w½ 8b0 24w½5938411666
22Arnason Einar Agust0ISL 15w1 6w0 20b0 34b1 29w0 51b1 12w0 46b1 37w+593840,51639
23Thorsteinsson Thorsteinn Jakob F1252ISL 5w0 52b1 21w0 28b0 49w1 38b0 47w1 48b1 34b15931,5341332
24Kristjansson Halldor1519ISL 36w1 7b0 41w1 5b0 20w0 39b1 29w1 21b½5839,5431727
25Gudmundsson Gunnar Erik1729ISL 49b1 17w½ 10b0 26w1 7b+ 9w½ 16b0 14b½ 15w04,594244,51760
26Stefansson David1594ISL 52w1 5b0 30w1 25b0 28w1 18b½ 15w0 36b1 14w04,594042,51563
27Heidarsson Mikael Bjarki1358ISL 1w0 38b1 14w0 30b0 34w1 28b1 48w1 13b0 33w½4,5939,542,51418
28Guðmundsson Sölvi0ISL 20b0 40w1 36b0 23w1 26b0 27w0 43b1 30w½ 41b14,5934,5381377
29Skarphedinsson Ingvar Wu1632ISL 48b1 4w0 54b1 10w0 22b1 11w0 24b0 42w14,5838,5401460
30Bjarkason Brynjar0ISL 13b0 43w1 26b0 27w1 20b½ 14w0 28b½ 50w14,5837,5411475
31Jonatansson Sigurdur Freyr1542ISL 7w0 42b1 33w1 19b0 44w0 41b1 20w0 39b14,583740,51579
32Bjornsson Sigurjon Helgi0ISL 57b+ 18w½ 19w0 13b0 52b1 33w0 38b1 36w½4,5836,5391474
33Johannsson Hjortur Yngvi1467ISL 18b0 47w1 31b0 42w1 32b1 12w0 27b½4,5736,539,51418
34Briem Gudrun Fanney1230ISL 16w0 37b0 43b1 22w0 27b0 56w1 53b1 45w+ 23w04933351204
35Olafsson Arni1416ISL 3w0 53b1 12w0 38b0 41b0 54w1 51w½ 50b½ 48w14930,5321326
36Ingvarsson Kjartan1779ISL 24b0 28w1 46b1 44w1 17b0 8w0 26w0 32b½4838421609
37Moller Tomas1374ISL 8b0 34w1 48w0 40b1 38w1 19b0 22b-4735381469
38Orrason Arnar Freyr1094ISL 19b0 27w0 50b1 35w1 21b0 23w1 37b0 32w0 43b½3,5935,5391327
39Gudnyjarson Sigurdur Pall1165ISL 14w0 47b1 15w0 48b0 43w½ 42b1 24w0 54b1 31w03,5933,5351305
40Njardarson Arnar Ingi1300ISL 9w0 28b0 53w1 49b1 15w½ 37w0 45b0 42b0 51w13,5933351255
41Kjartansson Arnar Logi1169ISL 12b0 56w1 24b0 35w1 15b0 31w0 51b1 28w03,5835,537,51352
42Johannsson Markus Orri1019ISL 21b0 31w0 54w1 33b0 39w0 52b1 40w1 29b03,583233,51283
43Thorisson Bjartur1303ISL 11w0 30b0 34w0 39b½ 55b1 28w0 47b1 38w½3,5831331158
44Mai Alexander Oliver2153ISL 47w1 21b1 16w0 4w½ 36b0 31b1 18w0 -0 -03,5740,543,51755
45Kjartansson Matthias Bjorgvin1301ISL 17b0 49w1 13b0 52w1 7b0 40w1 34b- -03,573739,51552
46Omarsson Adam1493ISL 2b0 50w1 19b0 36w0 54b1 -0 22w0 53b13,573536,51460
47Helgadottir Idunn1339ISL 44b0 39w0 33b0 50w0 53b1 49w1 23b0 43w0 52b13929,531,51174
48Hallmundarson Birkir0ISL 29w0 51b½ 39w1 37b1 21w0 27b0 23w0 35b0383537,51275
49Eythorsson Engilbert Vidar0ISL 25w0 45b0 -1 40w0 23b0 47b0 55w1 52w0 54b13827,5291047
50Omarsson Josef1247ISL 6b0 46b0 38w0 47b1 55w1 -0 35w½ 30b03733,535,51244
51Hreinsson Johann Helgi1282ISL 4b0 48w½ 55b1 18w0 22w0 35b½ 41w0 40b02,5835371147
52Kristbergsson Bjorgvin0ISL 26b0 23w0 56b1 45b0 32w0 42w0 49b1 47w02,5830,532,5995
53Sveinbjornsson Gudmundur Orri1106ISL 10b0 35w0 40b0 47w0 -1 34w0 56b1 46w02,5728,530,51075
54Brynjarsson Orvar Holm0ISL 56w1 16b0 29w0 42b0 46w0 35b0 -1 39w0 49w02829,531,51011
55Kjartansson Kormakur Olafur0ISL 15b0 51w0 50b0 43w0 49b0 -1 -02528,530529
56Thoroddsen Jon Louie0ISL 54b0 41b0 52w0 34b0 -0 53w0 -1252324301
57Alexandersson Orn1584ISL 32w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,512930,50

Tie Break1: Games descending (More is better)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)