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Timor-Leste National Junior Championship 2020

Last update 06.09.2020 07:31:32, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao Xadrez de Timor Leste

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Starting rank

1Viegas Tilman Zezinho M.T31900607TLS1569
2Tilman Hermenegildo R. T. Viegas31901620TLS1549
3Viegas Rivanho31901484TLS1357
4Aleixo Diogo Carceres31902227TLS0
5Aleixo Valentino Da Costa31902235TLS0
6Aleixo Victor Da Costa31902200TLS0
7Da Silva Blanjeldinho A. V. Tilman31900925TLS0
8De Sousa Nick Pedro31902243TLS0
9Fernandes Jofino31901506TLS0
10Fernandes Rizky Suprapto31901859TLS0
11Guterres Domingos Guimaraes31902219TLS0
12Guterres Jose Aleixo31901565TLS0
13Menezes Gerefrico31901816TLS0
14Pereira Candyzar Soares31902197TLS0
15Tilman Rivanho Riesta31901549TLS0