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Campeonato Distrital Individual do Porto em Xadrez Semirrápido 2011

Última Atualização10.07.2011 04:19:33, Criado por / Última atualização: fpxporto

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Tabela cruzada final após 7 rondas

Rk.NomeEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. Desp1  Desp2  Desp3  Desp4  Desp5 
1FMFerreira Jorge João2093POR 26w1 7b1 8w1 9b1 3w½ 5b½ 4w16028,53125,55
2Sousa André Ventura1397POR 21b1 18w1 4b0 11w1 6b1 3b1 5w½5,5127,530,522,55
3Pereira António Caramez2020POR 10b1 6w1 19b1 4w1 1b½ 2w0 9b15,5029,532,524,55
4Coelho Jorge1936POR 15w1 5b1 2w1 3b0 9w1 8b1 1b05030,534235
5Assunção Francisco Daniel1467POR 29b1 4w0 27b1 17w1 15b1 1w½ 2b½50252620,54
6Nogueira Aníbal1472POR 28w1 3b0 25w1 16b1 2w0 17b1 13w1502425195
7Soares Hugo Daniel1527POR 22b1 1w0 12b½ 18w1 10b1 9w0 16b14,5024,527,517,54
8Pintor Manuel1604POR 25b1 27w1 1b0 10w½ 19b1 4w0 15b14,502426194
9Santos Eduardo1680POR 12b1 13w1 11b1 1w0 4b0 7b1 3w0402933204
10Nogueira Diana Sofia1359POR 3w0 28b1 21w1 8b½ 7w0 12b½ 17w14024,525,5153
11Pereira Tiago Luís1172POR 23w1 26b1 9w0 2b0 14w1 13b0 19w14023,526174
12Pintor José Bastos1295POR 9w0 20b1 7w½ 14b0 22w1 10w½ 26b14022,52513,53
13Mendes António Manuel1464POR 20w1 9b0 17w0 21b1 27b1 11w1 6b0402224164
14Fernandes Afonso Liberal1500POR 17w0 24b1 16w0 12w1 11b0 20b1 18w14020,523,5134
15Pintor António Bastos1317POR 4b0 22w1 18b1 19w1 5w0 16b½ 8w03,50,52427163
16Coelho Nelson Filipe1249POR 18b0 29w1 14b1 6w0 20b1 15w½ 7w03,50,52324153
17Gomes Hugo Filipe1177POR 14b1 19w0 13b1 5b0 26w1 6w0 10b0302527,5153
18Pintor António1644POR 16w1 2b0 15w0 7b0 24w1 23w1 14b0302427123
19Duarte Carlos Henrique1577POR 24w1 17b1 3w0 15b0 8w0 25w1 11b03023,526153
20Abreu Hugo Daniel1078POR 13b0 12w0 -1 25b1 16w0 14w0 27b13021,523,5102
21Silva Júlio1073POR 2w0 -1 10b0 13w0 25b0 28w1 29b13020,521,592
22Lopes Tiago Paulo1229POR 7w0 15b0 23w1 26b½ 12b0 27w1 25b½3020229,52
23Resende Fernando Jorge1500POR 11b0 25w0 22b0 28w1 29w1 18b0 -130171882
24Fernandes Paulo Miguel1245POR 19b0 14w0 29b1 27w0 18b0 -1 28b13016,517,582
25Dias Rui Jorge1249POR 8w0 23b1 6b0 20w0 21w1 19b0 22w½2,5021,524,59,52
26Neto Luis António1368POR 1b0 11w0 28b1 22w½ 17b0 29w1 12w02,50212292
27Monteiro André1051POR -1 8b0 5w0 24b1 13w0 22b0 20w0202326111
28Pintor João Bastos1169POR 6b0 10w0 26w0 23b0 -1 21b0 24w01021,52430
29Silva Miguel Maria1156POR 5w0 16b0 24w0 -1 23b0 26b0 21w0102123,540

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 4: Fide Tie-Break
Desempate 5: The greater number of victories