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18th DELHI INTERNATIONAL OPEN GRANDMASTERS CHESS TOURNAMENT (Category 'A') for Prize list Click download invitation

Last update 16.01.2020 11:30:59, Creator/Last Upload: Vasanth BH

Player overview for TJK

1GMAmonatov Farrukh2631TJK1½11½½½½½1722Category A
43IMKhusenkhojaev Muhammad2420TJK0111101011728Category A

Results of the last round for TJK

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMAmonatov Farrukh26316 1 - 0 IMNeelash Saha2356
IMKhusenkhojaev Muhammad24206 1 - 06 Bagwe Gaurang1779

Player details for TJK

GM Amonatov Farrukh 2631 TJK Rp:2539 Pts. 7
190Gandhi Anish2168IND6s 1
248IMAbdisalimov Abdimalik2381UZB6,5w ½
350IMEraschenkov Denis2370RUS6,5s 1
451IMMuthaiah Al2367IND6w 1
527IMKaczur Florian2485HUN6,5s ½
634GMNeverov Valeriy2460UKR6,5w ½
736IMShyaamnikhil P2458IND7s ½
840GMHesham Abdelrahman2429EGY5,5w ½
941IMDas Sayantan2424IND7s ½
1054IMNeelash Saha2356IND6,5w 1
IM Khusenkhojaev Muhammad 2420 TJK Rp:2251 Pts. 7
1132Dahale Atul2025IND6,5s 0
2182Srikrishnan P1903IND5w 1
3130Chandar Raju2028IND6s 1
4200Samal Ansuman1856IND5w 1
5111Anadkat Kartavya2082IND5,5s 1
616GMGhosh Diptayan2550IND6,5w 0
7110Santu Mondal2083IND5,5s 1
86GMPantsulaia Levan2598GEO8w 0
9104Bakshi Rutuja2118IND5s 1
10220Bagwe Gaurang1779IND6w 1