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18th DELHI INTERNATIONAL OPEN GRANDMASTERS CHESS TOURNAMENT (Category 'A') for Prize list Click download invitation

Last update 16.01.2020 11:30:59, Creator/Last Upload: Vasanth BH

Player overview for INA

33IMTaher Yoseph Theolifus2462INA11½½011½½1724Category A

Results of the last round for INA

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMTaher Yoseph Theolifus24626 1 - 06 FMWagh Suyog2219

Player details for INA

IM Taher Yoseph Theolifus 2462 INA Rp:2393 Pts. 7
1122WGMSafranska Anda2063FRA6s 1
286FMBognar Csaba Dr.2192HUN5w 1
310GMMchedlishvili Mikheil2578GEO7,5s ½
42GMPonkratov Pavel2622RUS8w ½
5104Bakshi Rutuja2118IND5s 0
6141WFMBhagyashree Patil2005IND5,5w 1
7108Barath Kalyan M2091IND6s 1
866FMAaryan Varshney2287IND6,5w ½
970Pranav Venkatesh2265IND7s ½
1080FMWagh Suyog2219IND6w 1