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III Aberto de Xadrez do IFAP - 02/08 a 04/08 - Com o GM Jose Cubas

Last update 12.08.2019 16:10:17, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Amapa

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Starting rank

1GMCubas Jose Fernando3700267PAR2485
2Cohen Farias Paulo2114100BRA2134
3Machado Hualason Jose Soares2151952BRA1999
4De Souza Monteiro Marcos Paulo2118343BRA1934
5Alves Josue Pires2152002BRA1858
6Teles Elder De Oliveira22722513BRA1853
7Uchoa Iranilson Pinheiro22721010BRA1834
8Vieira Rodrigo Chagas22722602BRA1788
9Del Aguila Victor Montero22722491BRA1734
10Pereira Joel Maia2151987BRA1677
11Da Silva Lima Jerrinaldo22722432BRA1677
12De Vilhena Cleriston Mubarak T.22722483BRA1668
13Dos Passos Edinaldo Pincanco2184737BRA1658
14Quaresma Givanildo Ribeiro22750703BRA1588
15Melo Clodovio De Paula22721002BRA1563
16Braz De Araujo Daniel324226807BRA1474
17De Magalhaes Gustavo A Linhares22750681BRA1354
18Gama Heitor Braz De Araujo2187400BRA1145
19Da Silva Fabio Tenorio22729275BRA1738
20De Oliveira Marcio Luis Goes22723439BRA1706
21Gama Julia Lorena Braz De A.2187248BRA1535
22de Oliveira Martins GabrielBRA0
23Mercês C Junior RomerisonBRA0
24Silva Cardoso JulianeBRA0
25Sousa Nascimento ErianneBRA0