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2019 South African Junior Closed Chess Championship U14 Girls

Last update 22.03.2019 17:23:41, Creator/Last Upload: Gunther van der Bergh

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Starting rank

1De Villiers Anri14320240GTP13601596w
2Claassen Gabriella14318970GTP11571394w
3Weideman Kayleigh14327600GE11401313w
4Schoeman Sane14313464GTP01295w
5WCMMillard Charlotte14320363KZN12371292w
6Holroyd Kea14329018ENM01274w
7Schonken Christina14316889FLW01269w
8WCMJoubert Natasha14313260WP12581253w
9Prinsloo Thiana14317850GTP01258w
10Wang Pei-Shan14332523EBC10271248w
11Naidoo Mira14320223GTP10681236w
12Stuurman Aliche14328364ENM12341195
13Bent Cierra14325063GTP01233w
14Van Zyl Juane14330903MGS01233w
15WCMIsmail Imaan14320169GTP11451224w
16Pelser Jean-Marie14325136GTP01223w
17Becker Robyn14330334EBC01210w
18Palmer Zante14338718WP01165w
19Van Heerden Mia14325144GTP01106w
20De Beer Janka14338602GE01093w
21Manto Martha14338319ENM01079w
22Qangule Mandibonge14338734EBC01078w
23Prince Sharna14338726WEG01074w
24Maletta Legene14338661WCU01033w