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Campionat Juvenil d'Andorra 2019

Last update 26.02.2019 18:43:08, Creator/Last Upload: Federació d’Escacs Valls d’Andorra

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Starting rank

1Ribera Veganzones Josep Maria6900763AND1813
2Alcon Llosada Alex6900780AND1658
3Ribera Veganzones Serni6900860AND1526
4Alcon Llosada Jaume6900798AND1482
5Martinez Gamiz Marc6900976AND1444
6Ercoli Andria45166412FRA1246
7Sanchez Sala Marc6901115AND1227
8De La Riva Real Ariadna6901018AND1207
9De La Riva Real Jana6901131AND1088
10Chaderat Xarpell Jaime6901093AND1047
11Sansa Aviles Marti6901190AND1038
12Sanchez Sala Roger6901220AND1037
13Aisa Gomez Marjorie6901441AND0
14Lopez Vives Andreu6901450AND0
15Lopez Vives Miquel6901468AND0
16Perez Escuredo Bonifacio6901360AND0
17Perez Escuredo Nicolas6901271AND0