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Campeonato Brasileiro STD Sub-20 Feminino 2018 [FIDE-189867 CBX-4338/18]

Last update 01.07.2018 23:25:46, Creator/Last Upload: anderson willians

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Starting rank

1Tamarozi Isabelle2132400BRA1927SP
2WFMNunes Agatha Hurba2114852BRA1848SP
3Bail Ellen Larissa2142171BRA1825PR
4De Macedo Camila Ferreira22702580BRA1663SP
5Kikuchi Cadilhac Mariana Sawae2144433BRA1637SP
6Vieira Julia22731296BRA1619SP
7Bonvini Adriana Tonhati2136538BRA1579SP
8Da Cunha Gabriela Goes22710884BRA1476SP
9Flores Clarice Soares Leite22724702BRA1338SP
10De Souza Ana Lucia SilvaBRA0SP