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Campeonato Distrital de RĂ¡pidas AXL Veteranos + 65 - 2017/2018

Last update 10.03.2018 12:44:25, Creator: fpxlisboa,Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 22)

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Starting rank

1NMSantos Julio1900650POR1875Clube Edp - Lisboa
2NMLavrador Rodolfo1908367POR1844Clube Edp - Lisboa
3Mendes Alberto Achiles1901699POR1680Gc Odivelas
4Cardina Joao Gamboa1906240POR1555Amadora Xadrez
5Nunes Adelino Victor1908111POR1509Adrc Mata De Benfica
6Vieira Victor Mendes1908103POR1434Amadora Xadrez