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Festival Nacional Escolar Sub17 Ajedrez Clasico Femenino

Last update 29.11.2015 19:05:58, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Gomez Guardo Laura Melissa4408578BOL1857Talentos
2Cardona Martinez Lina Sofia4419324CAU1790Club Kasparov
3Sarmiento Carolina4442970CUN1650
4WCMRosado Perez Maria Jose4408713BOL1647Mentes En Accion
5Velasquez Angie Gabriela4431057CUN1641
6WCMPinillo Canon Silvana4450850TOL1575Blancas Y Negras
7Caballero Marrugo Maria Jose4459113BOL1413
8Cajas Sanchez Lorena4464664CAU0
9Cardenas Herrera Angela4464672BOL0
10Ramos Vega Jolaine4464680BOL0