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Majstrovstva Slovenska jednotlivcov

Last update 12.07.2015 13:38:37, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

9GMMarkos Jan14903474SVK2592Sachy Reinter N.O. Humenne
6GMMichalik Peter14907526SVK2562So Skm Stara Lubovna
2IMJurcik Marian14907518SVK2492So Skm Stara Lubovna
1IMPacher Milan14907445SVK2477Sk Slovan Bratislava
5GMPetrik Tomas14901625SVK2461So Skm Stara Lubovna
4Smolen Jan14906287SVK2443Sk Strelec Devinska Nova Ves
8FMDruska Juraj14915650SVK2442Sk Prakovce
3GMMrva Martin14900092SVK2434Sachy Reinter N.O. Humenne
10Repka Christopher14918781SVK2429So Skm Stara Lubovna
7IMMazur Stefan14909332SVK2370Sk Zemplin Michalovce