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Torneio de Aniversário do CX Sintra (sexta-feira 7/02/2025 - 20h30) Torneio aberto registado para Elo de Semirrápidas

Organizer(s)Clube de Xadrez de Sintra
FederationPortugal ( POR )
Tournament directorDireção do CXS
Chief ArbiterFA Luís Maninha 1902350
Time control (Rapid)10+2
LocationClube de Xadrez de Sintra
Number of rounds6
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationRating international
Rating-Ø / Average age1544 / 22
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 08.02.2025 00:19:57 / Page cached 08.02.2025 16:32:10 107min., Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 13)

LinksGoogleMaps, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters No tournament details, Link with tournament calendar
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Playing schedule
Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6/6 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6
Download FilesRegulamento Encontrão CXSintra.pdf
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