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Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2025 : Masters

Last update 04.02.2025 14:22:02, Creator/Last Upload: Alan

Final Ranking crosstable after 13 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1234567891011121314 TB1 
1GMPraggnanandhaa, R2741IND*½½1½0110½111½8,5
GMGukesh, D2777IND½*½½½11½1½½0118,5
3GMAbdusattorov, Nodirbek2768UZB½½*½½½½½½110118
4GMFedoseev, Vladimir2717SLO0½½*½½111½01017,5
5GMWei, Yi2751CHN½½½½*½½½½½½½½17
GMGiri, Anish2731NED10½½½*½½½½½½½17
7GMHarikrishna, Pentala2695IND00½0½½*½½½11½16,5
8GMCaruana, Fabiano2803USA0½½0½½½*11½½½06
GMKeymer, Vincent2733GER10½0½½½0*½½½1½6
10GMVan Foreest, Jorden2680NED½½0½½½½0½*½½½½5,5
GMSarana, Alexey2677SRB0½01½½0½½½*½½½5,5
GMErigaisi, Arjun2801IND0110½½0½½½½*½05,5
13GMMendonca, Leon Luke2639IND0001½½½½0½½½*½5
14GMWarmerdam, Max2646NED½0000001½½½1½*4,5

Tie Break1: points (game-points)