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3rd Seongbuk Park's Cup

Last update 25.12.2024 08:19:57, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
13SONG, JihuKOR17115,5515,520
22AHN, SungminKOR18494,5416,522
35VAISHAG, P VIND16664417,522
46CHOI, HyunminKOR16044414,520
54HAN, GiukKOR1708441419,5
612KIM, MyoungsangKOR03,5311,516
71KARIMOV, ShakhzodUZB18863316,522
88YOUN, JungminKOR15183314,520
913LEE, DummimKOR0331014,5
107LEE, KwanghoKOR15892,521216
119CHUN, YunseongKOR1499221216,5
1210JUNG, SanghunKOR14581,511015,5
1314LEE, WonhyukKOR01,511013,5
1411JANG, MikyeongKOR00010,514,5

Tie Break1: Number of wins including byes (WIN) (Forfeited games count)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)