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Hastings Con Power U1950

Last update 31.12.2024 15:52:27, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 1)

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

15Kelly, Paul JWLS1839Hastings & St Leonards5
15AIMSwiatkowski, AramENG1792Medway5
310Sadler, BenENG1824Norfolk & Norwich4,5
42Van Pel, GerbenNED1925Netherlands4
3Deswarte, IanENG1881Guildford4
4Preuter, CarlosNED1867Netherlands4
9Wallace, Adrian DENG1825Farnham4
81Fleming, Andrew S JENG1925Bexhill3,5
11Heath, David RENG1808Maidstone3,5
12Waldock, Adrian D PENG1804Ashtead3,5
13Gartside, CarlENG1802Macclesfield3,5
128Polanyk, JohnENG1825Wimbledon3
14Honarvarmahalati, HoomanIRI1797Brighton & Hove *3
16Woozeer, SethENG1771Sasca3
22Wards-Riggs, SamuelENG1704Battersea3
23Harris, JohnENG1700Coventry Chess3
25Blin, HenriENG1629Sussex Juniors3
1817Heffer, JudithENG1768Bury St Edmunds2,5
20Hauer, BennoGER17202,5
24Butcher, NathanielENG1679Guildford2,5
26Park, HyunjunKOR15882,5
226Goodfellow, Russell RobertENG18342
7Wagner, GuyWLS18334ncl Rhyfelwyr Essyllwg2
18Shivakumar, AkshathENG1755Solihull2
19CMYoung, ChristopherCAY17482
21Kim, JaehaKOR17192
2728Lee, JoowonKOR15741,5
29Collins, NigelENG1573Milton Keynes1,5
30Ock, SeungheonKOR14541,5
3027Lee, DonghwaKOR15751
3131To Be Arranged,ENG00