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December 15 Blitz

Վերջին արդիացում26.12.2024 04:54:55, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1CMPrudente, Elmer31000690GUM1980
2Justo, James Marcus31002544GUM1870
3Herreros, Miguel31000037GUM1830
4ACMCombs, Daniel31000703GUM1747
5Ramos, Edgardo31004725GUM1729
6Dela Paz, Romeo31000932GUM1674
7Karamihan, John Francis31002854GUM1660
8Tran, Xuan Chi31002900GUM1547
9Mendoza, Michael Angel31001696GUM1531
10Tran, Tuan Vu31002919GUM1473
11Grossley, Gabriel31003265GUM1450
12Long, David31005098GUM1444
13Quejadas, Jay-Ar31004776GUM1438
14Timbang, Adrian31003141GUM1410
15Combs, Esther31001599GUM0
16Lopatyuk, Leo31003753GUM0
17Lumanlan, Marlon31005896GUM0
18Nierva, John Ian31005870GUM0
19Peralta, Emyr31005144GUM0
20Quejadas, Jayvee31004750GUM0
21Quejadas, Jayver31004784GUM0
22Tamondong, Hunter31005900GUM0
23Uherhewar, James Rivera31004300GUM0