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SLOVENIJA ŠAHIRA 2024 Slovenska Bistrica, 28.11.2024

Last update 04.12.2024 14:57:22, Creator/Last Upload: sahovskiklubimpol

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1 
11Stojanovic, DjordjeSRB20926,531
23Prevolsek, MihecSLO19705,530,5
36Krize, AlesSLO18145,527,5
44Gricnik, TineSLO19124,527
52Kotnik, SimonSLO1971427
65Svensek, MarjanSLO1901426,5
710Heric, LuckaSLO1530426
88Srebre, BenoSLO15743,519,5
913Kodric, ReneSLO0323,5
107Deticek, DusanSLO1756323
119Znidaric, LinSLO15652,521,5
1212Kaisersberger, LjuboSLO0218,5
1311Znidaric, ZanSLO1516122,5
1414Resnik Erzen, LijaSLO0019

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)