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Estonian Chess Championship 2024

Last update 19.12.2024 16:49:46, Creator/Last Upload: Eesti Maleliit

No.NameFEDGame 1Game 2Game 3Game 4Game 5Game 6Game 7  Pts.  
Round 1 (2024/12/12 - 2024/12/13)
1GMVolodin AleksandrEST112
16Oim Mikk KaarelEST000
15Pedmanson AlbertEST1010002
2IMNarva MaiEST0101114
3IMMaidla ValloEST10½0
14Obolonin FilippEST01½1
13Koop VyacheslavEST10½½002
4GMKanep MeelisEST01½½114
5FMKrivenko DionEST112
12FMSchults OlevEST000
11Timoshin AndreiEST1½
6FMHaitin IljaEST0½½
7CMRychagov NikitaEST10113
10Vorobjov PavelEST01001
9CMKull TormiEST½1
8Kukk SanderEST½0½