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2024 Warwickshire Junior Championship Under 10

Last update 01.12.2024 18:56:55, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

12Gandhi, Krish1260Hallfield6,5
23Cao, Handuo1258Hallfield5,5
31Prabhakaran, Anvikkashri1293Sydenham Primary5
5Tan, Yang1109Blue Coat Harborne5
54Palmer-Brown, James1113Warwick4,5
66Okpo, Hannah825Blue Coat Harborne4
8Gowda, Suday737West House4
10Karthikeyan, Guhan697All Saints4
11Malik, Roshan675Hallfield4
20Siddiqui, Elijah0Home Educated4
117Dong, Yixi747Blue Coat Harborne3,5
9Tye, Anthony725Hallfield3,5
17Yousef, Zain504Hallfield3,5
1412Neophytou, Lukas621Balsall Common3
13Johal, Elisha613Solihull3
14Puppala, Divith562Finham Primary3
1715Odubanjo, Nathan515St Mary’s Harborne2
16Natarajan Janagarajan, Hrishi509Manor Park2
19Shah, Vasudev0Cliffordbridge Academy2
21Subash, Sherwin Lucas0Whitley Abbey2
2118Kolli, Shiva259Blue Coat Harborne1