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Blitz de los viernes. Club Cuatro Caballos Rosario

Last update 30.11.2024 01:59:44, Creator/Last Upload: Lorenzini

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Starting rank

1Vergara, Emmanuel20001126ARG1888
2Morgado, Walter134317ARG1785
3Sandoval, Cristian20022727ARG1685
4Fornes, Mateo137103ARG1603
5Amaru, Ciro20051301ARG1544
6Agut Britos, Felipe20044054ARG1515
7Agut Britos, Martino20043899ARG1472
8Vagni, Luca20044283ARG1469
9Simbler, Benjamin20049293ARG1459
10Lima, JoaquinARG0
11Litvak, LeonardoARG0
12Ruiz Diaz Etcheverry, Camilo20053096ARG0