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4º Circuito Rápido Sorocabano 2024 30.11.2024

Last update 30.11.2024 23:45:45, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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Starting rank

1MN Valdenicio Marcelino,2224
2Antonio Batista,2158
3Eugenio Herbst,SEN2089
4Arnaldo Ulisses,SEN2072
5Luan Lopes,2018
6André Whitaker,1959
7Arthur Vallota,S141933
8Lucas Picoli,S211901
9Thiago Gomes,1892
10Felipe Rocha,S211845
11Henrique Brandl,S211833
12Gustavo Olivera,1829
13Samuel Gutierres,S121827
14Diego Orosco,1816
15Jaceguai Souza,SEN1810
16Gabriel Vitorelo,S141791
17Aquiles Roque,S141781
18Gabriel Covre,S141780
19Herbert Pires,1777
20Brendon Nunes,S121761
21Kristian Correa,S141756
22Álvaro Machado,Sen1696
23Alex Haoran,Ini1800
24Artur Braga,Ini1800
25Carlos Guillaume,Ini1800
26Cauã de Sá,S101800
27Henri Patricio,1800
28João Biussi,S141800
29Lucas Santos,S121800
30Matheus Mizuno,S101800
31Miguel Minutti,Ini1800
32Oliver Guillaume,S101800
33Pedro Basilio,Ini1800
34Rafael Amaral,Ini1800
35Richard Camargo,S211800
36Samuel Penalver,Ini1800
37Tareq Suais,S141800
38Yran Oliveira,S121800