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YJCA Grand Prix 24-25 BGS Major

Last update 09.11.2024 16:49:14, Creator/Last Upload: gabe2663

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Starting rank

1Rich, Aaron499951ENG2006York
2Ganti, Shriaansh343104781ENG1997Ilkely Chess Centre
3Sasikumar, Srivathsan343401279ENG1974Leeds Junior Chess Club
4Quaite, Toby343432832ENG1967Leeds Junior Chess Club
5Madzia, Nathan343440720ENG1885Leeds Junior Chess Club
6Burke, Alex343441190ENG1882Holmfirth
7Syed, AliENG916
8Wainwright, Charlie343426310ENG1640Ilkely Chess Centre
9Singh, Adamjeet343409369ENG1609Leeds Junior Chess Club
10Pitel, Benedikt496413ENG1596Hull
11Whewell, Blake343455492ENG1545Ilkley
12Sudagar, Vidhyuth Kavin343430244ENG1486Leeds Junior Chess Club
13Pitel, Dominik343407110ENG1469Hull
14Nalawade, AryanENG1466Cleveland *
15Norton, JamesENG1466West Yorkshire *
16Rawse, Alex343455450ENG1295Ilkely Chess Centre