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Cupa Pionul Fermecat ediția III-a, Cl IX - XII

Last update 07.11.2024 12:48:53, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastian Volcinsche

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
117Manoliu-Căescu, Flavian701501710
216Manoliu, Căescu Cezar7014018,511
324Ștefan, Andrei Bogdan70140158
427Ungureanu, Denis-Teodor7014014,59,5
522Platon, Ioil70140148
620Petrea, Stefan70140138
74Andries, Dumitrela7013014,58,5
83Andrei, Ioana70130148
5Andrieș, Mihaela70130148
108Chiper, Nicolas70130148
10Ciubotă, Rareș70130148
129Ciubotă, Matei70130138
1325Teodor, Onofrei7012,50,512,57,5
146Bostan, Iosif7012,50,510,55,5
151Alixandrescu, Lucian701201610
167Ceapa, Eduard70120149
1718Nicoleta, Chiorbeja70120138
1811Furtuna, Daniel70120138
1913Iftimut, Lucia70120127
2023Scutaru, Simona7012011,56,5
2112Hlihor, Alexandra7012010,56,5
2226Tinca, Medeea Elena70120106
2314Jbanca, Robert Paul7012096
2419Pădure, Marta7011012,57,5
2515Mahalau, Alexia Maria7011011,56,5
2621Petru, Erhan70110117
272Amariei, Carlos Ramon701107,54

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Median1)