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Social Mtx Grupo 4º Fase 1º

Last update 08.11.2024 21:11:22, Creator/Last Upload: RubenPomares

Starting rank list of players

8Salazar Gomez, Guzman24508292ESP1832
5Gomez De Segura Pereda, Peio54770556ESP1699
4Preciado Matas, Daniel94755736ESP1543
6Solar Ruiz, Hector523006714ESP1533
7Astasio Lopez, María94748462ESP0
1Dominguez Cuadrado, Iñigo535020946ESP0
10Lopez Saez, ErikESP0
9Ramirez Suarez, Francklin535024070ESP0
3Ruiz de Garibay, Hegoi535024089ESP0
2Varga Pozo, Aimar535025573ESP0