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Social Mtx Grupo 1º Fase 1º

Last update 08.11.2024 23:24:43, Creator/Last Upload: RubenPomares

Starting rank list of players

3Dominguez Exposito, Ibon54589452ESP2117
8Salgado Quesada, Ander32010818ESP1790
4Casas Crespo, Ibai523069120ESP1561
1Barrasa Garcia, Arturo94731179ESP1403
6Crespo Beltran de Nanclares, IkerESP0
9Dominguez Exposito, Sara94723311ESP0
7Ibañez Martin, Marco535025336ESP0
10Leoz Iturri, MartinESP0
5Lopez Garcia, UrtziESP0
2Perea Vicente, Adrian535025328ESP0