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World Blitz Tournament - Floripa 2024

Last update 05.11.2024 15:49:17, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

Player overview for EST

25Karba Andres2088EST11100110055820-28,40
43Rajandu Aaron2005EST0110100½14,510240-129,20
74Jogi Henry1876EST101100½104,59240-19,60
142Karis Fredi1638EST01½0110003,51424027,20
161Karba Kertu1550EST001½011104,51004068,00
166Karba Karoliina1491EST000100001218140-48,40

Results of the last round for EST

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypGrRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypGrRtg No.
Ramazzotte Maicon ZilliU1819425 1 - 05 Karba Andres2088
Wang Yu SenU161616 1 - 0 Jogi HenryU181876
Mollo Figueroa NicoleU141875 1 - 0 Karba KertuU161550
Rajandu AaronU142005 1 - 0 Carvajal Mendoza Maria BelenU141678
Karis FrediU161638 0 - 1 Ramazzotte Adriano1744
Karba KaroliinaU1414911 1 bye  

Player details for EST

Karba Andres 2088 EST Rp:1956 Pts. 5
1126Biazon Natalia De Oliveira1694BRA4w 1202,20
278Ricouz Vasquez Enzo Joaquin1870CHI5,5s 1204,40
360Joseph Jonath1929CAN6w 1205,80
48IMMarek Matyas2316CZE6,5s 020-4,20
562Meysman Kaito1924BEL6w 020-14,40
680Rodrigues Natanael Isau1866BRA5s 1204,40
7104Shreya G Hipparagi1760IND5,5w 1202,60
866AIMChuchukova Stefani1916BUL6w 020-14,60
959Ramazzotte Maicon Zilli1942BRA6s 020-14,00
Rajandu Aaron 2005 EST Rp:1670 Pts. 4,5
1143Cardenas Huachaca Alessandro Jair1634PER4,5w 040-35,60
2146Lin Chenyi1632RSA0- 1K
3115Pereira Garza Cecilia1717BEL4s 1406,40
496WCMZhong April Yunwei1806CAN4,5s 040-30,40
5117De Oliveira Lucas Silva1716BRA4w 1406,40
699AFMRoose Casimir1779BEL4,5w 040-31,60
7113WCMMayeregger Gonzalez Fiorella Allegra1727PAR5s 040-33,20
8138Wu Kuan-Chieh1645TPE4s ½40-15,60
9133Carvajal Mendoza Maria Belen1678CHI3,5w 1405,20
Jogi Henry 1876 EST Rp:1780 Pts. 4,5
1202Araujo Yvan Lukas Bertoldo0BRA3,5s 1
219FMCasadio Niccolo`2140ITA6w 040-7,20
3141De Bortolo Artur Mattos1640BRA3,5s 1408,00
424Sinitsyn Anton2102FIN7w 14031,60
529Zouaghi Amir2076BEL6w 040-9,60
632Geroe Leonhard2065AUT5s 040-10,00
7133Carvajal Mendoza Maria Belen1678CHI3,5w ½40-10,40
8124Bosquez Leguisamo Joel Alexander1701ECU3,5s 14010,80
9150Wang Yu Sen1616TPE5,5s 040-32,80
Karis Fredi 1638 EST Rp:1720 Pts. 3,5
141Bourg Nicolas2011LUX5s 040-4,40
221Valdats Reinis2122LAT0- 1K
376WFMSilva Juliana Figueira Theophilo1872BRA3,5w ½4011,60
482Kawamoto Victor Misao Buriti1861BRA5s 040-8,80
5103Navarro Gustavo Kazuo Yura1763BRA3,5w 14026,80
684Religa Jakub1849SWE4,5w 14030,80
769WFMPaulo Jemima1901ANG5,5s 040-7,20
871Gonzalez Sanchez Ilan Said1886MEX5s 040-7,60
9109Ramazzotte Adriano1744CHI4,5w 040-14,40
Karba Kertu 1550 EST Rp:1688 Pts. 4,5
160Joseph Jonath1929CAN6w 040-4,40
2104Shreya G Hipparagi1760IND5,5s 040-9,20
3195Nariman Leila Teixeira Da Silva0BRA2w 1
4111Felix Eduardo1740BRA4,5s ½4010,00
5118Cheng Yu Chen1716TPE4,5w 040-11,20
6103Navarro Gustavo Kazuo Yura1763BRA3,5s 14030,80
7127Rodrigues Mota Sophia Lorena1694BRA3,5w 14027,60
8114Monteiro Helen Ramazzotte1719BRA4s 14028,80
975Mollo Figueroa Nicole1875BOL5,5s 040-5,20
Karba Karoliina 1491 EST Rp:1132 Pts. 2
165Monteiro Samuel Ramazzotte1920BRA5s 040-4,40
2115Pereira Garza Cecilia1717BEL4w 040-8,40
3114Monteiro Helen Ramazzotte1719BRA4s 040-8,40
4187Kobayashi Erica0BRA3w 1
578Ricouz Vasquez Enzo Joaquin1870CHI5,5s 040-4,40
6191Burssens Guy0BEL2w 0
7185Monteiro Rosas Ednilson0BRA3s 0
8173Da Silva Joao Gustavo1407BRA3w 040-24,80
9-bye- --- 1