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Torneo de Ajedrez - Microestadio Municipal de Matheu - Categoría sub 16

Last update 02.11.2024 19:57:46, Creator/Last Upload: Edgardo Pope Cavagna

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1Alvarado, IanARG0
2Alvarado, TobíasARG0
3Basualdo, MateoARG0Matheu
4Bechmann, GabrielARG0
5Bechmann, ValentinaARG0
6Cáceres, Kalen FaustoARG0Matheu
7Cruz, Juan GabrielARG0Loma Verde
8Flores Luna, FelipeARG0
9Flores Luna, JulioARG0
10Gonzalez, BautistaARG0Escobar
11Gonzalez, NazarenoARG0Escobar
12Gonzalez, ValentinoARG0Escobar
13Leone, PedroARG0Ing. Maschwitz
14Marengo Carabajal, FermínARG0Ing. Maschwitz
15Marini, LeonardoARG0
16Parisi, NicolásARG0Matheu
17Peralta Menoyo, JoaquínARG0Garín
18Portillo, IñakiARG0Matheu
19Ríos, TomásARG0Escobar
20Scalabrini Ortiz, PedroARG0
21Scalabrini Ortiz, VicenteARG0
22Sozzi, FrancoARG0Matheu
23Verón, RenzoARG0Matheu