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Deadline for appeals expired - standings are final
Closing ceremony at the playing venue 10:15 pm local time

FIDE World Youth Chess Championships 2024 - Open 14

Last update 10.11.2024 01:31:04, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

Player overview for GRE

64Christodoulou Panormitis2048GRE½0110½01½½163640118,00Open 18
7Alexandri Dimitra2058GRE101½11½10118640-3,20Girls 14
42Christodoulou Georgia1729GRE011½0½10½116,51940130,80Girls 16
30Alexandri Vasiliki1862GRE011½0½½1½½½6194082,40Girls 18

Results of the last round for GRE

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
Christodoulou PanormitisGRE20485 1 - 0 Adam RafaelCAN2174
WFMImomkuzieva NilufarkhonUZB18837 0 - 17 Alexandri DimitraGRE2058
Kalandadze MariamGEO20495 0 - 1 Christodoulou GeorgiaGRE1729
WFMHernandez Diaz Paula SofiaMEX1980 ½ - ½ Alexandri VasilikiGRE1862

Player details for GRE

Christodoulou Panormitis 2048 GRE Rp:2269 Pts. 6
118FMRybka Simon2385SVK5,5w ½4015,20
210IMMakkar Rajat2432FRA7,5s 040-3,60
375Veleirinho Tomas Carvalho1899POR5w 14012,00
440Orrego Palermo Marcelo2241CHI5,5s 14030,00
514IMHrbek Stepan2406CZE7,5w 040-4,00
642Chen Zhi2209CHN6,5s ½408,40
744Kocsmar Akos2196HUN5,5w 040-12,00
848FMAmigo Quintana Antu2171CHI5,5w 14026,80
934FMCasadio Niccolo`2272ITA6s ½4011,20
1046FMCollin Moritz Valentin2179SUI5,5s ½407,20
1147Adam Rafael2174CAN4,5w 14026,80
Alexandri Dimitra 2058 GRE Rp:2030 Pts. 8
154Ramazzotte Esther Zilli1693BRA6w 1404,00
234Klincewicz Aleksandra1819POL6s 040-32,00
355Barbosa Laura Sophia Gomes1678BRA5w 1403,60
432Da Costa Mariana Nara Santana1844BRA6s ½40-10,80
530Nenova Andzhelika1862BUL6,5w 14010,00
624Mollo Figueroa Nicole1879BOL6- 1K
710Krkyasharyan Sona1998ARM7s ½40-3,20
84WFMPreobrazhenskaya Diana2084FID7w 14021,60
91WFMMgeladze Kesaria2166GEO8s 040-14,00
1042Neininger Sarah1786GER6,5w 1406,80
1122WFMImomkuzieva Nilufarkhon1883UZB7s 14010,80
Christodoulou Georgia 1729 GRE Rp:1961 Pts. 6,5
110Arzur Maia2037FRA6,5w 040-5,60
259Karba Kertu1530EST4,5s 1409,60
313Nandin-Erdene Davaademberel2018HUN6s 14033,60
419Jiang Hanxi (Hancy)1922CAN7w ½4010,00
517Gaszka Zuzanna1954POL6,5s 040-8,80
625Di Fabio Sara1862ITA6w ½407,20
730WCMMayeregger Gonzalez Fiorella Allegra1828PAR5,5s 14025,60
818WCMNovomeska Karin1943SVK6w 040-9,20
929Wojs Alicja1836POL5,5s ½406,00
1023Jankovic Tamara1874SRB5,5w 14027,60
117Kalandadze Mariam2049GEO5s 14034,80
Alexandri Vasiliki 1862 GRE Rp:1987 Pts. 6
13WIMKairbekova Amina2288KAZ9s 040-3,20
245Brinovec Lucy1705SLO6w 14011,60
355Nelly Kariuki0KEN1s 1
417WCMMargad Munkhpurev2035MGL5,5w ½409,20
515WFMMontiel Caceres Helen2055PAR5,5s 040-10,00
619WFMGaite Karen Nerina1997ARG7w ½407,20
71WFMStarosta Martyna2325POL6,5s ½4016,80
827Acioli Luyse Victoria Gomes1886BRA5w 14021,20
99Zhou Lepu Coco2107GER6,5s ½4012,00
1011WFMSuarez Gomez Paula2082ESP6,5w ½4011,20
1120WFMHernandez Diaz Paula Sofia1980MEX6s ½406,40