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final round (round 10) starts at 10.00 Hrs. on 09.01.2025

15th Chennai Open International Grandmasters Chess Tournament 2024 for Sakthi Group Dr. N. Mahalingam Trophy Category A (above 2000)

Last update 09.01.2025 11:52:36, Creator/Last Upload: BhaskarV

Player overview for EGY

78IMElgabry Mohsen2107EGY½1001101015,562Cat-A
90IMSarwat Walaa2088EGY0½½1½½½½½½588Cat-A
160IMSobh Amrou1965EGY0110½½0011587Cat-A
166IMRahman Yehya1931EGY½0½1½½1001576Cat-A

Results of the last round for EGY

Rd.Bo.No. NameBdldFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameBdldFEDRtg No.
IMElgabry MohsenEGY2107 1 - 0 Abhinav RajIND2005
IMSarwat WalaaEGY2088 ½ - ½ Dishank Sachin BajajIND2005
Gaikwad ManasIND20464 0 - 14 IMSobh AmrouEGY1965
CMVivaan Vijay SaraogiIND2164 - - +4 IMRahman YehyaEGY1931

Player details for EGY

IM Elgabry Mohsen 2107 EGY Rp:2087 Pts. 5,5
1166IMRahman Yehya1931EGY5s ½
2164Vaidyanathan Kannan1940USA5,5w 1
328IMManish Anto Cristiano F2328IND6s 0
4148Shreyash Singh2000IND5w 0
5151Tiwari Shivansh1992IND2,5s 1
6141Dishank Sachin Bajaj2005IND5w 1
7152CMMohmad Bashiq Imrose1991IND5,5s 0
8126Uddipan Roy2014IND4w 1
931GMManik Mikulas2303SVK6,5s 0
10140Abhinav Raj2005IND4,5w 1
IM Sarwat Walaa 2088 EGY Rp:2044 Pts. 5
12GMSiddharth Jagadeesh2515SGP7s 0
2142Soumick Bandopadhyay2005IND3w ½
3150CMNimay Agrawal1995IND1s ½
4145Dinesh Kumar Jaganathan2003IND2w 1
5160IMSobh Amrou1965EGY5s ½
6166IMRahman Yehya1931EGY5w ½
7132Rupam Mukherjee2011IND4s ½
8144Oishik Mondal2004IND4,5w ½
9117GMZiatdinov Raset2030USA4,5s ½
10141Dishank Sachin Bajaj2005IND5w ½
IM Sobh Amrou 1965 EGY Rp:2133 Pts. 5
172Bhosale Shriraj2125IND2w 0
296Arshpreet Singh2073IND5s 1
370IMMurali Krishnan B T2128IND4,5w 1
411GMFedorov Alexei2409BLR6,5s 0
590IMSarwat Walaa2088EGY5w ½
691Divitt Arora2086IND4s ½
764Arya Bhakta2147IND5,5w 0
840IMGochelashvili David2257RUS5,5s 0
9123Hari Ganesh T2019IND3w 1
10104Gaikwad Manas2046IND4s 1
IM Rahman Yehya 1931 EGY Rp:2068 Pts. 5
178IMElgabry Mohsen2107EGY5,5w ½
240IMGochelashvili David2257RUS5,5s 0
3111Yohan Yadav Tarala2038IND6w ½
4113Karan J P2035IND4,5s 1
591Divitt Arora2086IND4w ½
690IMSarwat Walaa2088EGY5s ½
792Sharnarthi Viresh2084IND6w 1
864Arya Bhakta2147IND5,5s 0
961Gawai Siddhant2154IND6w 0
1058CMVivaan Vijay Saraogi2164IND3,5- 1K