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Torneo selectivo CONALEP 144 2024

Last update 24.10.2024 21:45:54, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank

1Alcocer Jimenez, Axel AntuanMEX0CONALEP 2
2Alfonso Vazquez, Cristopher AlexanderMEX0ETI 1
3Barragan Morales, Ian SantiagoMEX0ETI 1
4Coello Gonzalez, Cedric de JesusMEX0CONALEP 2
5Diaz Contreras, Pedro ManuelMEX0CBTIS 268
6Espinoza Soto, Sergio ArathMEX0CONALEP 2
7Estrada Malpica, EliasMEX0CONALEP 2
8Garcia Quintana, AquilesMEX0CBTIS 268
9Guerrero Capetillo, Mauricio AlejandroMEX0CONALEP 2
10Guzman Escobar, Mildreth MagdalenaMEX0ETI 1
11Hernandez Alcuida, Josmar IgnacioMEX0CONALEP 2
12Jimenez Hernandez, Carlos LeonardoMEX0CONALEP 2
13Leyva Lopez, Joaquin AldahirMEX0CONALEP 2
14Limon Santos, Lucian OrlandoMEX0CONALEP 2
15Monterrosa Marin, Emmanuel ReyMEX0CBTIS 268
16Morales Hernandez, EmmanuelMEX0CONALEP 2
17Mota N, Javier EmilianoMEX0CONALEP 2
18Nain Chavez, AxelMEX0CONALEP 2
19Naveda Martinez, Jean MarcoMEX0CONALEP 2
20Ortiz Rodriguez, ElielMEX0ETI 1
21Pena Dominguez, RodrigoMEX0ETI 1
22Ramirez Gonzalez, AzaelMEX0ETI 1
23Rios higuera, NoahMEX0CONALEP 2
24Roldan Vela, Vanessa MichelleMEX0CBTIS 268
25Ruiz Velazquez, Angel DanielMEX0CONALEP 2
26Sandoval Cuevas, Iker AlexanderMEX0CBTIS 268
27Velazquez Hernandez, Luis JulianMEX0CONALEP 2
28Verdejo Figueroa, Adrian YaelMEX0ETI 1
29Zamudio Portugal, Angel DanielMEX0CBTIS 268