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Worcester Knock-Out 2024 U15 Boys

Last update 19.10.2024 16:52:09, Creator/Last Upload: Chantelle Jacobs

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Starting rank

1Gray, ZhakierRSA1318Montana
2Maseti, Endinako1308Somerset high
3Groenewald, Willem1303HTS Drostdy
4Blaauws, IlanoRSA1269Hexvallei
5Arries, AldavianRSA1258EPH
6Conradie, Andre1228HTS Drostdy
7Fourie, Ockert1224HTS Drostdy
8De Graaff, RubenRSA1220HS Swellendam
9Van Rhyn, Remigio1174Montana HS
10Hugo, Emil1140HTS Drostdy
11Louw, CalebRSA0Breede Valley
12Ntunta, Iminathi0Somerset high
13Van Zyl, LukasRSA0HS Swellendam
14Vashu, HaymishRSA0Breede Valley