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2024 Birmingham Junior Open Under 9 Group D

Last update 19.10.2024 17:52:25, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

15Mandair, Aariyan508Hallfield5
23Twohig, Ethan575Worcester4
11Cameron, Jude376Warwick4
46Li, Jason467Warwick3,5
7Natarajan Janagarajan, Hrishi446Manor Park3,5
15Rashid, Sufyan332Coten End3,5
74Chopra, Shray567Hallfield3
9Yousef, Zain444Hallfield3
12Perryman, John-Luke345Leigh Cofe3
19Chen, Addison0Blue Coat Harborne3
22Kabra, Aadit0Blue Coat Harborne3
26Sacramento Guillaume, Lucas0Blue Coat Harborne3
132Kotti, Omswaroop579Eastlands2,5
13Walji, Adam Ali343Hallfield2,5
14Pilypas, Alex342Cheswick Green2,5
161Etchells, Ada590St Mary’s Newtown2
8Senevirathna, Declan446Hallfield2
10Eedupuganti, Abhiram387Thomas Jolyffe2
16Tarihalkar, Shrisha329Shrubland Street2
17Yu, Jacob324Hallfield2
20Garnsworthy, Riyaan0Grange Farm2
2223Kolli, Shiva0Blue Coat Harborne1,5
2321He, Kai0Blue Coat Harborne1
25Momoh-Clifford, Nibe0St Mary’s Harborne1
27Zhao, Maxwell0King Henry Viii1
2624Leung, Jonathan0Hallfield0,5
2718Anand, Ansh0Warwick0