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2024 Birmingham Junior Open Under 11 Group C

Last update 19.10.2024 18:04:58, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

13Tye, Anthony727Hallfield4
6Sunnar, Pavan699Hallfield4
12Cole, Matthew633Dixie Grammar4
16McCumiskey, Arthur505Harborne Primary4
52Tricoli, Alex785Hallfield3
10Khan, Adam670Hallfield3
13Albrecht, Peter624Blue Coat Harborne3
81Chiu, Garrick793Blue Coat Harborne2,5
11Bhogal, Hukam667BKHS Coventry2,5
104Gowda, Suday724West House2
5Karthikeyan, Guhan709All Saints Cofe2
15Ukbit, Mussie589St Mary's Harborne2
137Chilvers, Zac692Round Hill1,5
9Rackham, Ollie677Balsall Common1,5
1514Tye, James608Hallfield1
168Balakrishnan, Aadya679St Mary Harborne0