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2024 Birmingham Junior Open Under 18 Group C

Last update 19.10.2024 18:37:57, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

13Whyle, John894Q3 Langley4
4Pinjari, Rohab830Ke Camp Hill Boys4
5Le, Siyuan817Ke Camp Hill Boys4
9Li, Peter660Elite Chess4
52Jayawardena, Dulara899Brookvale Groby3
14Foo, Joel0Ke Camp Hill Boys3
15Job, Athan0Ke Camp Hill Boys3
16Linka, Oscar0Wombourne High3
96Purewal, Jovan795Queen Mary’s2,5
7Purewal, Rohan774Chase Grammar2,5
111Silverman, Jacob926Kes Birmingham2
8Cole, Ethan692Dixie Grammar2
11Bava, Jo429Finham Park2
12Bates, Evgenii0Bishop Stopford2
17Pappala, Sree Satya Akshayraj0Nishkam2
1610Harishankar, Viren632Solihull1
13Dirisala, Bhaavyan0Ke Camp Hill Boys1