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2024 Birmingham Junior Open Under 18 Group B

Last update 19.10.2024 18:48:48, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

12Mykhnenko, Marijka1386Ke Five Ways4,5
21Van Neerven, Yvon1396Leicester Grammar School3,5
4Tricoli, Mark1222Kes Birmingham3,5
6Johnson, Oliver1051Rugeley Chess Club3,5
55Wyman, Callum1122Ellowes3
610Jasper, Marcus1020Bishop Vesey2,5
11Mckenzie, Zachary976Edmund Campion2,5
83Mathur, Ayansh1287Kes Birmingham2
7Millward, William1048Newtown High School2
8Jenkinson, Jack1033Kings Inter High2
119O'Rourke, Joseph1027Ke Aston1