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DR KKD Trails 2 U12

Last update 14.10.2024 10:18:50, Creator/Last Upload: Carol Lefyedi

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Starting rank

1Van Zyl, Albertus PetrusRSA1587
2Appels, Chathem JordanRSA1396
3Stols, ZenicaRSA1299
4Botha, LeviRSA1199
5Abraham, LiamRSA1195
6Mabadi, Motlagomang SylRSA1195
7Manana, KhanyaRSA1192
8Fourie, AlexRSA1189
9Douglas, RyanRSA1173
10De Abreu, MarcoRSA1165
11Moloantoa, BoipeloRSA1149
12Dada, KianRSA0
13Noge, RethabileRSA0
14Tshope, LesibaRSA1198
15Lontshitse, PromiseRSA0